Visa D and residence permit for Russian citizens

Russians are desperately trying to obtain residence permits in Bulgaria

The war in Ukraine continues. Kiev is without electricity and under fire. In all regions of Ukraine, rockets continue to fall and kill people. But in Russia, the situation is also horrible. The state continues the mobilization and many young Russians are sent to the frontlines. Logically, many of them are unwilling to fight for a cause that they do not consider as their own. And these people desperately need a country to stay in until the war is over. Many of them are choosing Turkey and Serbia, where they can enter visa-free. Others start a new life in India, Dubai and even in Cuba. In order to enter Bulgaria, Russians need either a Schengen or a Bulgarian visa. However, to stay for a longer period, they should have visa D or residence permit.

Possibilities for obtaining long-term residence permit in Bulgaria

In order to be able to obtain visa D, Russian citizens must first have a legal basis to stay in Bulgaria. Such a basis is traditionally the registration of Trade Representative Office, but after the recent legislative amendments, this option has lost its shine. Another option is obtaining a permit for performing an NGO activities in Bulgaria, which is also a basis for obtaining immigrant visa and residence permit.

Young Russians are often choosing to enroll in a Bulgarian universities, while the wealthier are buying real estate for BGN 600 000 (306 775 EUR) or more. All this is also legal ground for obtaining long-term residence permit.

Problems in obtaining visa D

Those who have found a legal basis to get residence permit in Bulgaria face another problem too. Namely, in order to obtain visa D, they should apply at the Bulgarian embassy in Russia. This means that they have to return to their homeland, where the probability of being mobilized and sent to the frontline is huge.

In the Bulgarian legislation, there is a possibility, for humanitarian reasons, to obtain visa D from a third country, i.e. not from Russia. Most often, Russian citizens wish to apply in Turkey or in Serbia, due to the visa-free regime with these countries. Unfortunately however, the Bulgarian authorities often refuse to allow this to happen. This is making completely meaningless for Russians fleeing mobilization to apply for residence permit in Bulgaria.

For assistance

If you or your relatives, citizens of the Russian Federation, wish to obtain visa D and residence permit, you can contact our lawyers for assistance. If we are unable to help you, we will be able to refer you to professionals who can handle even the most complex cases.

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